Agile Programming in PHP and WordPress has become a quiet place in recent months. I’ve been spending what time I have on coding Shashin 3, so I haven’t been blogging. I have been applying Agile coding practices to WordPress plugin development, and it’s more than I bargained for. I could write a book about it, but I’ll probably never have time, so I’ll see how far I can get with a series of blog posts instead. Here are some key points I hope to expand on in upcoming posts:

  • Testing: a typical WordPress plugin is sprinkled with calls to custom WordPress functions and hooks, so how can you unit test anything? Also, PHPUnit is a command-line utility, so how can you test plugin code that’s meant to run from within WordPress, which is a web app? The answer to the first question is to pursue a combination of isolating your WordPress dependencies, and running them through a facade (my toppa-libs library provides one, but it’s coverage of WordPress functions is still limited). An answer to the second question is SimpleTest, which is designed to run tests through a browser. I’ve written a plugin that runs SimpleTest from within WordPress, so you can do integration testing: SimpleTest for WordPress (which I hope to have up at soon). Update 6/15: it’s now available at
  • Which PHP version to use? PHP 5.3 provides a decently comprehensive object oriented toolkit. But WordPress understandably stays at least a couple years behind the current PHP version, given the widespread use of WordPress (not every hosting provider keeps up with the latest PHP releases). The upcoming WordPress 3.2 release will have PHP 5.2.4 as a requirement, so I’ve decided to have the same requirement in Shashin. That means I can use type hinting and autoloading, but not namespaces.
  • Code organization: WordPress gives you custom hooks and functions, but how you organize your code is completely up to you. As a result, a lot of WordPress plugins are huge, single files that are a jumble of code for display and application logic. In Shashin I’m using output buffering to create pseudo-templates for display code, and for the application logic, I’m sticking to the single responsibility principle, which means I have small classes and small methods.
  • Performance: given the processing power of modern computers, an Agile principle is that you code for readability and maintainability first, and worry about performance only when there is evidence that you may need to sacrifice some of that readability to improve performance. Sticking to this principle is a challenge with WordPress. WordPress sites are deployed in a huge variety of environments, with differences in site configurations, traffic, and the number and type of other plugins in use. This leads to a natural tendency to code defensively for performance. I’ve tried to approach this not by sacrificing readability, but by having a dependency injection model that’s careful to not make unnecessary copies of objects, and by organizing my code to minimize any non-essentials calls when particular hooks are invoked.
  • WordPress itself will try to thwart you in writing Agile plugins, as there is nothing Agile in how WordPress itself is written (this is not a criticism of its creators, as only since PHP 5 could you even really consider an object oriented approach with PHP, and WordPress has been around since long before PHP 5 became commonly deployed). A key decision is how far you want to go in isolating your code from direct dependencies on WordPress functions and classes (as they are not written against any interfaces). The more direct your dependencies, the harder it is to unit test anything (and then you can’t use your code outside of WordPress either). There is also no consistent error handling – some WordPress functions may return a WP_Error object, or false, or null, or something else. None throw exceptions. You’ll need to investigate each individual function to find out what variable type its return value will be under different circumstances.

I hope to get SimpleTest for WordPress up at soon, so I’ll have more to say about testing in WordPress next.

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